How to Install Roll Roofing on Low Slope Roofs

A normal roof consists of three layers; two layers of overlapping shingles and a felt layer. However, roll roofing is different and has only one layer. This means it is quicker to install and can be installed by a homeowner with basic Do-It-Yourself skills and equipment. Roll roofing is most used for sheds and garages with a low-slope roof and features various colors. It either comes with peel and sticks adhesive backing, or it’s nailed-down depending on the brand. Although you can install the roll roofing alone, it is easier with a friend, so find a helper and get down to work.

Materials You Will Require

  • Hammer
  • Drip edge
  • Ladder
  • Broom
  • Roofing cement
  • Screwdriver
  • Utility knife
  • Tape measure
  • Chalk line
  • ·Roofing nails


Measure and cut the roll roofing to a width of 18-inch with a utility knife and place the roofing material so as it overlaps the valley. Valleys are the troughs created at the meeting point of two roof planes. Nail the roll roofing in place using short roofing nails spaced at six inches apart and one inch in from the roll roofing outer edges.

Place the second piece of full-width roll roofing over the first and nail it into position like the first.

Measure and mark thirty-five inches from the bottom edged of the roof sheathing in numerous spots. Snap a chalk line along these marks.

Roll out and cut the roll roofing that covers the length of the roof. Put the top edge of the roofing along the chalk line, which should offer you a one-inch overhang on the eaves that includes the top edge of the installed drip-edge trim installed at step number one. First, nail the bottom edges in place six-inches apart and one-inch in from the edges, then nail along the sides.

Next, measure and mark 34 inches from the top of the first roofing row in various spots. Make a chalk line and cut the second piece of roll, roofing the length of the roof.

Place a two-inch-wide layer of roofing cement across the top of the first roofing row. Install the second roofing row so that the top edge lines up with the chalk line, and the bottom edge covers the roofing cement. Secure the row by nailing across the bottom edge at six inches apart and one inch from the edge. You will also need to nail the edges in place.

Install the remaining roll roofing rows similarly. Place roofing cement under the top edge and nail it in place.

Important Tip

The drip cap or drip edge is either metal, sheet, or plastic. It is important in protecting the roof, the fascia as well as the siding from water leakage. You should install roll roofing when the temperature is more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent cracking materials.

You should install the peel-and-stick roofing using the same procedure. However, instead of nailing it, you should remove the protective backing on the roll roofing back that covers the adhesive. When the roofing is in place, run a metal roller over the roofing surface. Seal seam using roofing cement before nailing them. 

If you need roll roofing for your low slope roof project, Wilmington ma roofing service is your trusted source for residential and commercial roofing, including construction services and projects.